Divot & Swish
Book Readings
Schedule a Book Reading Adventure
Book Reading Adventure (Virtual)
Join Dr. Beth for a 30-45 minute interactive book reading adventure with Divot & Swish.
The book reading adventure is customizable to include follow-up student engagement on the superpower of courage OR confidence, marine and animal life in the books, and of course, lots of questions & answers with your students!
Virtual Cost ½-day = $750
Virtual Cost full-day = $1,250
Optional: Purchase School Adventure Pack
Preparation time with Principal/Media Specialist/Teachers/School Counselor to coordinate a fun, relevant, and impactful experience for students
Sample event ideas, including writing prompts, from teachers & media specialists
Downloadable coloring sheets
Focused time with Dr. Beth [3-3.5 hours (1/2-day) or 6-7 hours (full-day)]
Book Reading Adventure (In-person)
Dr. Beth will travel to your location and lead a fun, interactive 45–50-minute reading adventure with Divot & Swish. The in-person reading adventure is customizable to include art and/or physical activity based on the needs and interests of you and your students.
All reading adventures also include an engaging Q&A session with your students where they can learn the importance of superpowers, more about Divot & Swish, and about being an author.
In-person Cost ½ -day = $1,250 + mileage reimbursement at the current IRS mileage rate + travel time TBD
In-person Cost full-day = $2,500 + mileage reimbursement at the current IRS mileage rate + travel time TBD
Optional: Purchase School Adventure Pack
Preparation time with Principal/Media Specialist/Teachers/School Counselor to coordinate a fun, relevant, and impactful experience for students
Focused time with Dr. Beth [3-3.5 hours (1/2-day) or 6-7 hours (full-day)]
Sample event ideas, including writing prompts, from teachers & media specialists
Downloadable coloring and art activity sheets
Book cover and vocabulary PDF files of Adventures with Divot & Swish posters
Multiple book-reading adventures based on class schedule and needs of school